“The chakra that influences emotional identity, creativity, and desire”
❖ The second chakra, Svadhisthana, is also known as the creativity and sexual chakra. It is located above the pubic bone — below the navel — and encompasses the genital region and the hypogastric plexus.
❖ The focus of the sacral chakra is creativity, as humans, it is part of our nature to create, when we use our creative energy — whether it is through cooking, baking, gardening, procreating, or even finding a new solution to an old problem — we are opening our second chakra.
❖ A balanced sacral chakra leads to feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy.
❖ When this chakra is out of balance, you may experience emotional instability, creative blocks, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, or addictions.
❖ This chakra corresponds to Bhuvar Loka, which has control over the lower abdomen, kidneys, etc., in the physical body, Jala Mandal (region of water — Apa Tattva) is here.
❖ Within this Chakra there is a space like a crescent moon or the form of a conch or Kunda flower, the presiding deity is Lord Brahma and Devata is Goddess Rakini.
❖ Bijakshara वं(Vam), the Bija of Varuna, is in this Chakra.
❖ The color of the Chakra is pure blood-like red or the color of Sindura (vermilion).
❖ From this center six Yoga Nadis emanate, which appear like the 9 petals of a lotus, the vibrations that are produced by the Nadis are represented by the Sanskrit letters: — बं, भं, मं, यं, रं, लं(Bam, Bham, Mam, Yam, Ram, Lam).
❖ He who concentrates on this Chakra and meditates on the Devata has no fear of water.
❖ He has perfect control over the water element.
❖ He gets many psychic powers, intuitional knowledge, and perfect control over his senses.
❖ He has full knowledge of the astral entities; Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya, and other impure qualities are completely annihilated, and the Yogi becomes the conqueror of death (Mrityunjaya).